Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Izzy & Lenore: Two Dogs, an Unexpected Journey, and Me by Jon Katz, Villard, 2008

Writer, photographer, and farm owner Jon Katz has written a delightful tale that chronicles his two newest dogs, Izzy, an abandoned border collie, and Lenore, a black lab puppy. Jon and Izzy become an admired pair of hospice volunteers due to Izzy's uncanny gift to calm, soothe, and in one case, heal patients. Lenore evolves into a treasured companion who helps Jon with his own personal healing from depression. Although the book contains a disclaimer that "no dogs die in this book" even the most steadfast reader may shed a tear or two while reading about the hospice patients. Katz skillfully and subtly emphasizes the wondrous healing capabilities of dogs on the soul.

This book instantly appealed to me on a personal level as I have a dog named Izzy and used to own a border collie. I found this book extremely enjoyable and well written and look forward to reading more of Katz.

Readers who enjoyed this book may like these fiction titles: Dog: a Novella by Michelle Herman, MacAdam/Cage, 2005 which features Jill,an unhappy and lonely woman that adopts a puppy who guards its own emotions. Once they connect,mutual healing is quick to follow. The New Yorkers by Cathleen Schine, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007 reinforces the fact that dogs improve owners lives, in this case helping them to make friends and even to fall in love.

Readers who enjoyed this book may like these non-fiction titles: James Herriot's Dog Stories by James Herriot, St. Martin's Press, 1986. I have long viewed Herriott as the original and authoritative writer of animal stories and this book shares stories about 50 dogs and their relationships with their owners. A Puppy is Better than Prozac: the True Story of a Man and the Dog who Saved his Life by Bruce Goldstein, DaCapo, 2008. Goldstein shares certain traits with Jon Katz; depression, a black lab puppy with the power to heal, and a gift for writing a moving story.

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