Friday, October 24, 2008

Good in Bed by Jennifer Weiner, Washington Square Press, 2001

Cannie Shapiro has just been outed in a national magazine as a "larger woman" by her ex-boyfriend. After the urge to kill has passed, Cannie is forced to evaluate her life,come to terms with her dysfunctional family, and take charge of her future-which is about to involve becoming a single mother. This is a realistic and contemporary romance that is laugh-out-loud funny in many parts and heartbreaking in others.

Readers who enjoyed this book may also like these fiction titles: Conversations with the Fat Girl by Liza Palmer, 5 Spot, 2005 features Maggie, who is the plus-size heroine of this light romance focusing on self-acceptance. Watermelon: a Novel by Marian Keyes, Perennial, 2002. After her husband leaves her the day their baby is born, Claire retreats to her childhood home in Dublin and gradually begins to discover who she really is.

Readers who enjoyed this book may also like these non-fiction titles: Labyrinth of Desire: Women, Passion, and Romantic Obsession by Rosemary Sullivan, Counterpoint, 2003 attempts to show why intelligent women fall in love with the wrong man. It's Called a Breakup because its Broken: the Smart Girl's Breakup Buddy by Greg Behrendt, Broadway, 2006 is a light self-help book showcasing how women can permanently end bad relationships and find a brighter romantic future.

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