Friday, October 24, 2008

One for the Money by Janet Evanovich, Scribner, 1994

Heroine Stephanie Plum is out of work and her car has just been repossessed. She convinces her cousin Vinny, by way of a blackmail threat, to hire her as a bounty hunter. Stephanie's first assignment will net her $10,000 if she can bring in Joe Morelli, a cop on the run. While growing up together, Joe took Stephanie's virginity and she reciprocated by running him over with a Buick. With well developed characters, witty dialogues, plenty of action, and just a hint at romance, this novel hooks the reader and leaves them wanting more, which is achieved through the 13 sequels to date.

I found this book enjoyable enough that I would like to read more in the series. However, while it was humorous, I did not find it as wildly funny as other readers have mentioned.

Readers may also enjoy these fiction books: Florida Roadkill by Tim Dorsey, Warner, 1999 for its clever characters, suspense, and wild humor. Cha Cha Cha by Jane Heller, Kensington Books, 1994 features a female main character who finds herself working at a previously unthinkable job and also in the unlikely position of having to solve a crime. Heller consistently provides readers with humorous books featuring likeable and identifiable female leads.

Readers may also enjoy these non-fiction books: The Huntress: The True Saga of Dottie and Brandi Thorson, Modern-Day Bounty Hunters by Christopher Keane, Forge Books, 2000 which tells the tale of a wife and daughter who take over the family business when their husband/father bounty hunter is murdered. You Can Run But You Can't Hide by Duane Chapman,Orion Books, 2007 details the past life and current occupation of "Dog the Bounty Hunter", who also has a popular show on A&E.

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